HP-Registred Network Specialist
HP Registred Network Specialist
What makes HP Registered Networking Specialist so special?
HP Registered Networking Partner Specialists are highly qualified to sell, manage and support wired and wireless network infrastructure.

HP Gold Specialist
HP Gold Specialist
PowerCom has successfully become an HP Gold Specialist, which means the company with the highest HP certification.
The HP Gold specializations have been developed to help customers get the highest level of expertise.
HP Gold Specialists are the HP partners with the highest level of trust and competence.
HP Gold experts meet the strictest HP training criteria for the industry. Experts work hand-in-hand with HP assurances and have access to the most advanced technologies today that are critical to companies’ profitability.

Google ANALYTICS Certificate
Google ANALYTICS certificate
PowerCom has successfully become a Google Analytics Certified Partner, which means a company with in-depth knowledge of google analytics management tools for site statistics review and SEO optimization.
Google Analytics Experts have met the strictest Google training criteria for engaging in Google Analytics tools. Experts work hand-in-hand with Google Assurances and have access to the most advanced technologies today that are critical to companies’ profitability.